registration for
rendezvous market
2025 vendors
Here are the steps to making this the best, most successful Rendezvous yet:
Step 1
Read, and sign, the terms & conditions (use your mouse to sign)
Step 2
Look at the Map and choose your top 3 booth spaces (we will do our best to accommodate)
Step 3
Apply using the online form
Step 4
Obtain, print, and send event insurance to Main Street Pinedale and include the Town of Pinedale (or print and send a copy of existing insurance with both Main Street Pinedale and the Town of Pinedale as certificate holders).
If you do not have your own insurance, here are two possible options (non affiliate).
Step 5
Pay for your booth. Your space is not guaranteed until we receive your payment.
Meet us on the Green!
Since 1936, Pinedale has been celebrating this unique festival that honors famous mountain men like Jim Bridger, Kit Carson, and Thomas Fitzpatrick, who paved the way to the West .